10 Research Topics Suggestions To Write On Feminism Essay
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10 Research Topics Suggestions To Write On Feminism Essay

No matter what, none of us can overlook the fact that the term “Feminism” is being treated as an element of “thrill.” Since ages, the topic is under discussion, and till now, even in the present date, the topic marks it worth when it comes to glancing on the debatable themes.

Where there are millions of supporters, there are numerous of people who criticize the concept of feminism or equality. On the same side, many people evaluate the term more as equity than equality.

Several times, the discussion on this particular topic- Feminism has led to the contrary and sometimes positive consequences. Even in colleges, students are showing immense interest to put in their thoughts and to write down their opinions on feminism.

Maybe, in the future, your mentor may demand to pen down your thoughts on this particular topic as well. What if your instructor does?  I’m sure many of you don’t even know that there are several categories of feminism and the term itself is a hugely broad topic.

Let us tell you how the word feminism is not bound to equality only. Keep your notepad open, just in case if you forget things promptly, or you can use the bookmark option too.

Domestic feminism

The culture of controversy is always a part of our society. The term “homemaker” is mainly associated with women, and it is considered that doing house chores, raising kids, and handling on the other issues are the responsibility of woman only. The concept is firmly cemented in the minds that people have merged the two different words; homemaker and slavery, with a single person which we call “wife.” Among all of the feminist topics for essays, writers usually chose Domestic feminism to write on. You can opt for this one too!

Fashion and Feminism

Here comes the widely discussed topic.  Fashion and Feminism! Fashion is somehow connected with women, but who knows why and how this fashion thing fell shot in feminism. Ever wondered? How controlling our society could be! Anyways, if you want to write a long-tailed essay on the feminism theme, then this would be perfect to go for- wholly argumentative!


In the list of feminist topics to write about, the Eco-friendly could be a critical yet complex one to handle accurately. This exciting topic emerges when the environment and feminism merge. The question is considered complex and fascinating because for many people, it’s a matter of science and nature and for some its about religion. It signifies the way women interact with nature’s world.

Education and Feminism

Even though the entire world has rotated its perspectives from old to modern culture but, still, many people are unable to pronounce the two words, “education” and “women” together. Even in the 21st-century women have to struggle from a typical dilemma whenever it comes to start her educational career or to choose an educational path of her own choice. Still, females are pressurized to choose in between the traditional family lifestyle or profession.

Black Feminism 

This type of feminism also falls in the category of “double jeopardy.” In the list of the topics of feminism essay. Black feminism is always being treated as the most sensitive one. Fundamentally, this topic refers to the biasedness and the racism which black women usually suffer from. The so-called stigma of belonging to black culture creates several hurdles for women to survive in society. If you have complete guts to unfold the harsh reality, then be confident to choose this as your essay topic.

Feminism and Activism

The full support or maybe you can say a whole-view of feminism is- the activism. It is more kind of movement which works in pushing and supporting people, specifically women, to take stand for their rights, spread awareness, and force society to endow women with equal rights.

Sexual Autonomy and Sexual Obligation

It is another sensitive yet highly controversial topic which interconnects with feminism. This sheds light on the sexual obligations which women have to account without her consent, gender injustice, and autonomy. This type of feminism also counters the women who have to go through sexual harassment even after marriage.

Feminism Anarchists

Here is another perceived women-stigma! The majority of the people evaluate anarchists with negativity. Since the anarchist is associated with the ones, who fight against domination. Similarly, there is also a feminism anarchist which not always stand to spread the vibes of dominance but instead, raise voice for the freedom, to live and to let live!

Feminism and Personality 

Specifically, this topic attempts to demonstrate whether women’s notion of self is influenced by the traditionally allocated feminine accountability and obliged susceptibilities. Also, it focuses on inspecting if feminist politics can struggle in the expression of diverse women’s experiences that have been outlined by civilization, class, sexual alignment, etc.

Ever thought a single term “woman” could be treated or judged in various types? We are damn sure you didn’t! Yes, of course, it’s surprising to know that feminism itself is being judged from many perspectives. The harsh reality that we belong to a society where women are still an object of stigma is surely quite painful to engulf. We just enlisted these ten interesting topics on feminism to open the guidelines for all of you. Next time before you pen down the issue of feminism, decide on which topic to focus on specifically. Choose your must-to-write-on topic and go ahead!